Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sway the Jury Oil

1 fl. oz. (29.5ml) Are you or a loved in the middle of a court case? Apply Sway the Jury Oil daily before attending court to help aid in a positive verdict.

Disclaimer:This is not guaranteed to work

Buy it by clicking HERE

God Will Use This for Good

Oftentimes when we are going through tough times we need some short and quick reminders that everything is going to be okay. In this short treatment of the life of Joseph from the Old Testament Lucado reminds us: ""You'll get through this. It won't be painless. It won't be quick. But God will use this mess for good. In the meantime don't be foolish or naive. But don't despair either. With God's help you will get through this."

In retelling the story of Joseph the author takes time to provide ample applications (contemporary and ancient) to bring forth the principles that help us as we wait for God to bring forth good out of the messes in our lives whether we made them, inherited them, or we were the object of someone's evil plans. Ultimately nothing can thwart the plans that God has for us, and that means that all things will work out for our good and God's glory. The main idea brought out by Lucado in this book is that "in God's hands intended evil becomes eventual good."

This short book would make a good gift or recommendation for Christians that are currently going through a rough time. Lucado's story telling connects well with readers by continually making connections between the biblical subject and the relevant points to our own lives. Lucado has written a helpful manual for believers who need guidance in their pain by helping us trust in the God who always trumps evil for our own good. (Review By Dr. David P. Craig)

Buy the Book by clicking HERE

Saturday, May 23, 2015

American Sniper

U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle is sent to Iraq with only one mission to protect his brothers-in-arms. His pinpoint accuracy saves countless lives on the battlefield.

Buy the movie!

Friday, May 22, 2015

God Inspires

God Inspires is the place to come when you are hungry for God. Here you will find everything you need to stay busy learning and growing as a child of God.

At God Inspires, we believe and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We seek to disciple and promote others of like mind.

Our ultimate goal is to fulfill the Great Commission and to follow the two greatest commandments: Love God and Love others.

We seek to network with other churches so you can minister and grow with-in the Kingdom no matter where you are!

Also, if you have a prayer request, a testimony, a church update, devotional you would like to share, or anything else you feel you should share that God is laying on your heart, we would love to see it!

Church is not defined as a building with four walls. The Church is meant to be the hands and feet of God, whether you go to New Boston, Texas Assembly of God, or the First Baptist Church of Helena, Montana. If you believe that Jesus Christ died to pay for your sins at the Cross, and you believe that He has risen to give the World a Hope we did not have before, then you are part of the church!

We have church every day at God Inspires!

Come visit us!

Ted Cruz to the Future

In a continuation of the company's popular series Tell the Truth - Tell it Often - Tell the Children designed for all ages to promote positive healthy discussion and understanding, Really Big Coloring Books®, Inc. (RBCB) turns complex challenges or issues into a relevant format with an emphasis for youth. The Cruz to the Future book is a non-partisan, fact-driven view of how Texas Sen. Rafael Edward Ted Cruz became a U.S. senator and details, through his quotes and public information his ideas for what he believes will help America grow. Cruz has openly identifies with the Tea Party and garners support from the Republican Liberty Caucus and many independents including democrats. The Washington Post calls Cruz s Texas senate election victory the biggest upset ... a true grassroots victory against very long odds. Texas Sen. Rafael Edward Ted Cruz has become a rejuvenation for the Tea Party movement in the U.S. His 21-hour speech on the Senate floor in September 2013 propelled Cruz into the national spotlight. Cruz s beliefs and actions stir much emotion in those following the political realm, he is a modern 'superhero' to many and looked upon in adoration and abomination by some. 'The Cruz to the FutureTM coloring book is suitable for any student desk in America, as millions of people across the country admire, respect and portray Mr. Cruz as a positive role model for children, stated publisher Wayne Bell. Parents have told our company they enjoy modern day heroes and positive role models in children's literature and Mr. Cruz as a sitting U.S. Senator certainly meets the criteria', continued Bell. RBCB created this comic coloring and activity book not as an endorsement of Sen. Ted Cruz but rather as an educational tool to be used in schools and perhaps as a handout for groups, clubs and organizations. Information to contact Cruz, through both direct mail and social media, is presented at the end of the book. He is a positive role model worthy of study in any school. All information is fact-based, evidenced in truth and is made available to the public. The book is designed for children of all ages as well as parents, teachers and educators and may be used in the classroom as a tool to promote discussion on issues relevant to the subject matter. Not only do pages describe Cruz s early years, education and Tea Party stance in an easy way for parents and educators to explain to their children and students, but crossword puzzles and words searches along with other games and activities provide thought-provoking information and steps for more research. This book displays topics such as small business and the Pledge of Allegiance and Cruz s views on them. Buy the Book Today by Clicking HERE!!!!